Ep 143: Fired Google Raters replaced w/ AI? SEO Tools are just tools, Hidden Gems & decline of Big Social

Will fired Google quality raters ultimately be replaced with AI? We think so. SEO Tools, with their assumptions and inherent limitations are just tools and should be used for guidance not truth. Google's Hidden Gems update and the decline of Big Social point to rethinking your content strategy.

Ep 143:  Fired Google Raters replaced w/ AI? SEO Tools are just tools, Hidden Gems & decline of Big Social

Part 1 starts 00:13 - Will Fired Google Raters Be Replaced with AI?

Last week Google terminated their relationship with one of the companies responsible for rating the quality of websites. Certainly Google has been on a cost cutting rampage of late with layoffs and product cancellations and they indicate that they are giving the work to one of the other companies. But is the ending of a long standing relationships with one of the companies responsible for quality rating just a cost cutting measure or a foreshadowing of Google using AI to perform this important task?

Segment Reference Articles 

Google Terminates Contract With Appen For Search Quality Raters

Part 2 starts 08:02 - SEO Tools are just tools and should be used with care

In a recent consulting gig, in analyzing a client’s ranking history, it appeared that their on-line Google presence had gone south. The rankings on all of their keywords in Google Maps were were disappearing and it had been getting worse since the second week of November. But the reality was much more subtle. They and their rank tracking tool had been bitten by a local Google algo update. 

Segment Reference Articles: 

The Openness Algorithm Update

Part 3 starts 22:00 - Hidden Gems and the Decline of Big Social

Google and the internet are going through big changes. the large social sites are becoming less attractive and the SERPS are becoming more …. annoying? Google in an effort to address this changing reality has elevated niche forum sites. Will the same things happen to these forums now that Google is focusing on them as happened to a lot of the Google search results? Is Google just shifting the responsibility for moderating content off to the sites? How does this change affect your content strategies. All good questions we grapple with in this segment

Segment Reference Articles:

Hidden Gems: Authenticity and Fragmentation

Why is this site getting 144% more traffic from Google in 2024?